Selfie ID Verification Check - Photo Guidelines

You are required to provide a photo of your face.

We need to confirm the link between the applicant and the identity documents supplied.

The linkage is about security, and assurance that the application and identity documents represent the applicant.

You can conveniently take the picture from your mobile phone as selfie by holding the identification besides your face.

Desktop and laptop cameras have a lower resolution compared the smartphone. And we suggest you use the mobile phone to do your application. You can take pictures of the documents required and do the selfie with one of them, all with your mobile phone.

Please note you are only required to provide one photo as per the guidelines below.

  • The selfie must be a clear, forward-facing photo of the individual, full face.
  • The person must be holding one of the ID documents supplied next to their face.
  • Remove any obstructions. No sunglasses, hats, masks, etc.
Example of selfieOutcome
Correct image - Forward-facing photo, clear and holding an ID documentCorrect image - Forward-facing photo, clear and holding an ID document
Incorrect image - Missing ID and not clearIncorrect image - Missing ID and not clear
Incorrect image - bad lightingIncorrect image - bad lighting
Incorrect image - bad lighting second exampleIncorrect image - bad lighting
Incorrect image - ID blocked or cut ofIncorrect image - ID blocked or cut off

We will continue to update the Hub; if you have any question or suggestion, please contact us!

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AMICI Tech is an ACIC accredited criminal history provider. Backy Check is the brand AMICI Tech promotes background check services. AMICI Tech is accredited under Contract to access the National Police Checking Service (NPCS) through the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission is a registered trade mark of the Commonwealth of Australia. Find out more at .